Computer Network Solved Question Paper-2023| Solved Computer network Question Paper

1. Choose the correct option :                                                   (10×1=10)

(i) The number of layers in OSI model is _________

(a) 1                

(b) 5

(c) 3

(d) 7

(ii) The transmission medium with highest bandwidth is ________

(a) Coaxial

(b) Optical Fibre

(c) Twisted pair

(d) IR

(iii) The number of bits in IPV4 address is ____________

(a) 16

(b) 8

(c) 32

(d) 64

(iv) PCM is used to ____________

(a) convert analog to digital

(b) convert digital to analog

(c) reduce noise

(d) increase data rate

(v) Routing is done in the __________

(a) Data link layer

(b) Application layer

(c) Network  layer

(d) Transport layer

(vi) CRC is used for __________

(a) Error correction

(b) Error detection

(c) Both error correction and error detection

(d) None of the above

(vii) PPP is a _____________

(a) bit-oriented protocol

(b) character-oriented protocol

(c) application layer protocol

(d) physical layer protocol

(viii) UDP is  a protocol in the _________

(a) data link layer

(b) application layer

(c) transport layer

(d) network layer

(ix) The process of transmitting multiple signals over a common medium is called ____________

(a) mixing

(b) modulation

(c) multiplexing

(d) demultiplexing

(x) Twisting in twisted pair is done to __________

(a) increase strength

(b) reduce cost

(c) reduce effect of noise

(d) none  of the above

2. a) Explain IP addressing (V4).                                                          (4)

Ans: IP addressing in the context of IPV4 (internet protocol Version 4) is a fundamental concept in networking that defines how devices on a network are identified and able to communicate with each other.

IPv4 addressing is the system used to assign and manage unique numerical addresses to devices, allowing them to send and receive data within a network and across the internet. While it played a crucial role in the growth of the internet, IPv4 faced limitations due to address exhaustion, leading to the development and adoption of IPv6 as the long-term solution to address the increasing number of connected devices.

Here’s an in-depth explanation of IPv4 addressing:

Structure of IPv4 Addresses: IPv4 addresses are 32-bit binary numbers, typically represented in a dotted-decimal format. Each 32-bit address is divided into four 8-bit segments, called octets or bytes, separated by periods (dots). For example:

Each octet can represent values from 0 to 255 (2^8 possibilities), making a total of 256^4 (approximately 4.3 billion) unique IPv4 addresses.

Two Main Parts of an IPv4 Address: An IPv4 address consists of two main parts: the network portion and the host portion.

  • Network Portion: This part of the address identifies the network to which a device belongs. It is determined by the leading bits in the address and is used for routing data within and between networks.
  • Host Portion: The host portion identifies a specific device or host within the network. It is determined by the bits in the address that follow the network portion.

Classes of IPv4 Addresses: IPv4 originally had three main address classes (A, B, and C), each designed for networks of different sizes:

  • Class A: These addresses have the first bit set to 0. Class A addresses are typically used for large networks, with the first octet identifying the network and the remaining three octets for hosts.
  • Class B: Class B addresses have the first two bits set to 10. They are suitable for medium-sized networks, with the first two octets identifying the network and the remaining two octets for hosts.
  • Class C: Class C addresses have the first three bits set to 110. They are used for smaller networks, with the first three octets identifying the network and the last octet for hosts.

IPv4 Address Exhaustion: The rapid growth of the internet led to IPv4 address exhaustion, as the number of available addresses was limited. To address this issue and accommodate the growing number of devices on the internet, IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) was introduced. IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses, providing a vastly larger address space.

(b)  Describe TCP protocol.                                                                      (4)

Ans: The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the core protocols of the Internet Protocol (IP) suite. It is a reliable, connection-oriented protocol that ensures accurate and orderly data transmission between devices on a network. TCP is widely used for a variety of applications, including web browsing, email, file transfer, and many others, where data integrity and order of delivery are crucial.

It is responsible for providing reliable, connection-oriented communication between devices on a network. TCP ensures that data is delivered accurately, in the correct order, and without errors.

Here’s an overview of the TCP protocol:

Connection-Oriented Communication: TCP is a connection-oriented protocol, which means it establishes a logical connection between two devices before data exchange begins. This connection is established through a three-way handshake process:

  • SYN (Synchronize): The initiating device sends a SYN packet to the receiving device to request a connection.
  • SYN-ACK (Synchronize-Acknowledge): The receiving device acknowledges the request by sending a SYN-ACK packet back.
  • ACK (Acknowledge): The initiating device acknowledges the acknowledgment, completing the connection establishment.

Reliability: TCP ensures reliable data transmission by using various mechanisms:

  • Sequence Numbers: Each TCP segment is assigned a sequence number, allowing the receiving device to reorder segments and detect missing or duplicate data.
  • Acknowledgments: After receiving data, the receiver sends acknowledgment packets (ACKs) back to the sender, confirming the receipt of data. If the sender doesn’t receive an ACK within a specified time, it retransmits the data.
  • Flow Control: TCP uses a sliding window mechanism to manage the flow of data, ensuring that the sender doesn’t overwhelm the receiver with data it cannot handle.

Error Detection and Correction: TCP includes error-checking mechanisms to detect and correct data errors that may occur during transmission. If data corruption is detected, TCP requests the sender to retransmit the corrupted segment.

Full Duplex Communication: TCP allows for full-duplex communication, which means that data can be sent and received simultaneously in both directions. This capability is essential for efficient two-way communication.

Port Numbers: TCP uses port numbers to identify specific services or processes running on a device. Port numbers help direct incoming data to the correct application or service on the destination device. For example, port 80 is commonly associated with HTTP (web) traffic, and port 25 is used for SMTP (email) communication.

Flow Control and Congestion Control: TCP implements flow control mechanisms to prevent congestion on the network. Flow control ensures that data is sent at a rate that the receiver can handle. Congestion control mechanisms help regulate the amount of data sent into the network to avoid network congestion and ensure fair sharing of network resources among all users.

Connection Termination: When data exchange is complete, TCP performs a graceful connection termination using a four-way handshake process:

  • FIN (Finish): One party sends a FIN packet to initiate the termination.
  • ACK: The other party acknowledges the termination request.
  • FIN: The second party sends its own FIN packet to signal its agreement to terminate.
  • ACK: The first party acknowledges the termination, and the connection is closed.

Stateful Protocol: TCP is considered a stateful protocol because it maintains state information about each active connection. This state information includes sequence numbers, window sizes, and other parameters necessary for reliable communication.

(c)  What is multiplexing? Explain any one multiplexing technique.        (4)                                                                                                                  

Ans: Multiplexing is a technique used in telecommunications and computer networking to combine multiple data streams or signals into a single channel for transmission over a shared medium, such as a cable or wireless link. The primary purpose of multiplexing is to make efficient use of available resources and bandwidth while allowing multiple devices or data sources to share the same transmission medium.

Multiplexing is essential for optimizing the use of network resources, enabling efficient communication between multiple devices or users, and ensuring that different data streams can coexist on shared transmission mediums. Different multiplexing techniques are chosen based on the specific requirements and characteristics of the communication system or network.

Frequency –Division Multiplexing:

Frequency-Division Multiplexing (FDM) is a multiplexing technique that allocates different frequency bands to multiple data streams, allowing them to share a transmission medium without interference. FDM is commonly used in applications like radio broadcasting, television broadcasting, and cable television.

Here’s how FDM works:

Frequency Allocation: The first step in FDM is to allocate specific frequency ranges or bands to each data stream or signal source that needs to be multiplexed. These frequency bands are carefully chosen to ensure they do not overlap and interfere with each other. Each channel is assigned a unique frequency range within the available spectrum.

Signal Encoding: The data from each source is modulated onto a carrier wave in its allocated frequency band. Modulation is the process of superimposing the data signal onto a higher-frequency carrier signal. The characteristics of modulation (e.g., amplitude, frequency, phase) depend on the specific technology and application.

Combining Signals: Once each signal has been modulated onto its carrier wave, all of these carrier waves are combined or stacked together. This combination of signals forms a composite signal that contains all the individual data streams.

Transmission: The composite signal containing multiple data streams is then transmitted over the shared medium, such as a cable or wireless channel. Since each data stream operates in its allocated frequency band, they do not interfere with each other during transmission.

Reception and Demultiplexing: At the receiving end, the composite signal is received. Demultiplexing equipment is used to separate the individual data streams from the composite signal. Each data stream is then demodulated to recover the original data.

Advantages of FDM:

  • Non-Interference: FDM ensures that each data stream operates in its own non-overlapping frequency band, preventing interference between signals. This makes it suitable for applications like broadcasting, where multiple radio or television stations can transmit simultaneously over the airwaves without interference.
  • Efficient Use of Bandwidth: FDM allows for efficient use of available bandwidth since multiple signals can share the same transmission medium simultaneously.
  • Simple Implementation: FDM is relatively straightforward to implement, especially in analog communication systems. It doesn’t require complex synchronization or addressing schemes.

However, there are some limitations and considerations with FDM:

  • Fixed Bandwidth Allocation: FDM requires careful planning and allocation of frequency bands, which can be inflexible if the number of signals or their bandwidth requirements change.
  • Guard Bands: To prevent interference, guard bands (unused frequency ranges) are often required between FDM channels, which can lead to inefficient use of the spectrum.
  • Susceptibility to Noise: FDM signals can be susceptible to noise and interference, which may degrade signal quality.

(d)  What are network topologies?                                                        (3)

Ans: Network topologies refer to the physical or logical layout or configuration of interconnected devices in a computer network. They define how devices are connected, how data is transmitted between them and the structure of the network.

Here are some common network topologies:

Bus Topology:

  • Description: In a bus topology, all devices are connected to a single central cable, called the “bus” or “backbone.” Devices are connected to the bus via drop lines or taps.
  • Advantages: Simple to set up and cost-effective for small networks. Well-suited for linear and small networks.
  • Disadvantages: Susceptible to cable failures, and adding or removing devices can disrupt the entire network. Performance may degrade as more devices are added.

Star Topology:

  • Description: In a star topology, all devices are connected to a central hub or switch. Data traffic between devices passes through the central hub.
  • Advantages: Easy to install and manage. If one cable or device fails, it does not affect the rest of the network. Good for larger networks.
  • Disadvantages: Requires more cabling compared to bus topology. The central hub can become a single point of failure.

Ring Topology:

  • Description: In a ring topology, each device is connected to exactly two other devices, forming a closed loop or ring. Data circulates around the ring until it reaches its destination.
  • Advantages: Predictable and balanced network performance. No central point of failure.
  • Disadvantages: Failure of one device or cable segment can disrupt the entire network. Adding or removing devices can be complex.

Mesh Topology:

  • Description: In a full mesh topology, every device is directly connected to every other device in the network. In a partial mesh, only selected devices have multiple connections.
  • Advantages: High redundancy and fault tolerance. If one link or device fails, data can still find an alternate path.
  • Disadvantages: Costly and complex to implement, especially in large networks. Requires a significant amount of cabling.

Hybrid Topology:

  • Description: A hybrid topology combines two or more different types of topologies. For example, a network might use a combination of star and bus topologies.
  • Advantages: Provides flexibility to tailor the network to specific needs. Can balance cost-effectiveness and reliability.
  • Disadvantages: Complex to design and manage, as multiple topologies must be integrated.

Tree (Hierarchical) Topology:

  • Description: A tree topology is a combination of a star and bus topology. Multiple star-configured networks are connected to a linear bus backbone.
  • Advantages: Scalable and provides a hierarchical structure for larger networks.
  • Disadvantages: A failure in the backbone can affect an entire branch. Complex to set up.

3. (a) Compare analog and digital.                                                         (3)

Ans: Analog and digital are two fundamental approaches to representing and transmitting information, whether it’s in the form of audio, video, data, or signals. They have distinct characteristics and are used in different contexts based on their respective advantages. Here’s a comparison of analog and digital:

Analog and digital representations have their own strengths and weaknesses, and their suitability depends on the specific application and requirements. Digital has become dominant in many fields due to its reliability, precision, and versatility, but analog still has its place in areas where continuous, real-world phenomena are directly captured or manipulated.

Here’s a comparison of analog and digital:

Representation of information:

Analog: An analog signal is continuous and can take any value within a range. It is represented as a continuous waveform such as electrical voltage or a sound wave.

Digital: A digital signal is discrete and consists of discrete values typically 0 and 1. It is represented as a sequence of binary digits (bits). This representation is suitable for digital devices like computers and smartphones.


  • Analog: Analog signals can have infinite precision, making them potentially more accurate for representing real-world phenomea.
  • Digital: Digital signals have finite precision, determined by the number of bits used for representation. They are less precise but can be made highly accurate with sufficient bit depth.

Signal Quality:

  • Analog: Analog signals can be susceptible to noise interference during transmission, which can degrade the quality of the signal. They may suffer from signal interference and distortion over long distances.
  • Digital: Digital signals are less susceptible to noise and can be easily reconstructed, making them more resilient to signal degradation. This makes digital communication more reliable, especially over long distances.


  • Analog: Analog signals can suffer from signal degradation during transmission over long distance.
  • Digital: Digital signals can be transmitted over long distances with minimal degradation, making them suitable for telecommunications.

(b)  Explain the TCP/IP layered model.                                                   (4)

Ans: The TCP/IP layered model, also known as the Internet Protocol Suite, is a conceptual framework that defines the protocols and standards used for communication in computer networks, including the internet. It consists of four main layers, each responsible for specific tasks related to data transmission and networking. These layers work together to ensure that data can be sent and received reliably across a network. The TCP/IP model is often compared to the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model, which has seven layers.

Here are the four layers of the TCP/IP model, from the lowest (physical) to the highest (application):

Link Layer (Network Interface Layer):

  • The Link Layer deals with the physical connection between devices on the same network segment. It handles the transmission of data frames over a specific medium, such as Ethernet or Wi-Fi.
  • It is responsible for addressing hardware components, like MAC (Media Access Control) addresses, and for error detection and correction at the physical level.
  • Examples of protocols and technologies at this layer include Ethernet, Wi-Fi (802.11), and PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol).

Internet Layer (Network Layer):

  • The Internet Layer is responsible for routing packets of data across different networks and ensuring that they reach their destination.
  • It uses logical addressing, such as IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, to identify devices and determine the best path for data to travel from the source to the destination.
  • The most common protocol at this layer is IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) and its successor, IPv6.

Transport Layer:

  • The Transport Layer is responsible for end-to-end communication between devices on different networks. It ensures data delivery, reliability, and error recovery.
  • It includes two main transport protocols: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol).
  • TCP provides reliable, connection-oriented communication with features like flow control and error correction, making it suitable for applications like web browsing and file transfer.
  • UDP provides connectionless, lightweight communication and is used for applications where low overhead and speed are more important than reliability, such as video streaming and online gaming.

Application Layer:

  • The Application Layer is the topmost layer and is responsible for handling communication between applications running on different devices.
  • It includes a wide range of protocols and services for various applications, such as web browsing (HTTP), email (SMTP, POP3, IMAP), file transfer (FTP), and remote access (SSH).
  • This layer serves as the interface between the network and the user or application and is where data is processed, presented, and interacted with by users.

It’s important to note that the TCP/IP model is more closely aligned with the practical implementation of the internet and real-world networking, which is why it has become the dominant model in modern networking. Each layer in the model performs specific functions and communicates with the corresponding layer on other devices to enable the end-to-end delivery of data across networks.

(c)  Describe twisted pair and coaxial cable.                                        (5)

Ans: Twisted pair and coaxial cable are two common types of electrical cables used in networking and telecommunications to transmit data and signals. They have distinct designs and characteristics, each suitable for specific applications. The choice between twisted pair and coaxial cable depends on the specific networking or communication requirements of a given application, including factors like distance, bandwidth, and susceptibility to interference.

Here’s a description of both twisted pair and coaxial cable:

Twisted Pair Cable:

Construction: Twisted pair cable consists of pairs of insulated copper wires twisted together. Each pair contains two conductors, typically color-coded for identification. The twisting helps reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI) and crosstalk from neighboring pairs.

Varieties: There are two main categories of twisted pair cables:

  • Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP): UTP cables have no additional shielding and are commonly used in Ethernet networks. They come in various categories, such as Cat 5e, Cat 6, and Cat 7, with each offering different levels of performance and bandwidth.
  • Shielded Twisted Pair (STP): STP cables have an additional metal foil or braid shield around the twisted pairs, providing better protection against EMI and crosstalk. They are used in environments with higher interference levels.

Uses: Twisted pair cables are widely used in local area networks (LANs) and telephone systems. Ethernet connections, including those in homes and offices, often rely on UTP cables.

Coaxial Cable:

Construction: Coaxial cable, often referred to as coax cable, consists of a central conductor, an insulating layer, a metallic shield, and an outer insulating layer. The central conductor carries the signal, surrounded by insulating material to maintain separation from the shield. The metallic shield provides excellent protection against external interference.

Varieties: Coaxial cables come in various types, with different characteristics:

  • RG-6 and RG-59: These are common types used for television and cable modem connections. RG-6 offers better signal quality and is suitable for high-definition television (HDTV) and broadband internet.
  • RG-11: This thicker coaxial cable is often used for long-distance cable TV or satellite connections due to its lower signal loss over extended distances.

Uses: Coaxial cables are commonly used for transmitting cable television signals, broadband internet (via cable modems), and connecting satellite dishes. They are also used in some older Ethernet networks.

Key Differences:

Shielding: Twisted pair cables rely on the twisting of pairs to reduce interference, while coaxial cables have a metal shield that provides robust protection against EMI and signal loss.

Applications: Twisted pair cables are prevalent in Ethernet networks and telephone systems, while coaxial cables are widely used in cable television, broadband internet, and satellite connections.

Signal Loss: Coaxial cables generally have lower signal loss over longer distances compared to twisted pair cables, making them suitable for applications requiring longer cable runs.

Cost: Twisted pair cables are often more affordable and easier to work with than coaxial cables.

(d)  What is classless IP addressing?                                                              (3)

Ans: Classless IP addressing, also known as Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR), is a more flexible and efficient way of allocating and managing IP addresses compared to the traditional class-based IP addressing (Class A, Class B, and Class C) that was used in the early days of the internet.

In classful IP addressing, IP address blocks were divided into three primary classes, each with a fixed number of network bits and host bits. This rigid allocation of IP address space often led to inefficiencies, as organizations were assigned more IP addresses than they actually needed or too few for their requirements. CIDR was introduced to overcome these limitations and allow for a more granular allocation of IP addresses. Here are the key characteristics of classless IP addressing (CIDR):

Variable-Length Subnet Masks (VLSM): In CIDR, the subnet mask associated with an IP address is not limited to the fixed boundaries of class-based addressing. Instead, CIDR allows for the use of subnet masks of varying lengths. This enables network administrators to allocate IP addresses in a way that best fits their specific needs.

Prefix Notation: CIDR notation uses a format where an IP address is followed by a forward slash (/) and a number that represents the length of the network prefix (subnet mask) in bits. For example, “” specifies a subnet with a 24-bit prefix, meaning the first 24 bits represent the network portion, and the remaining 8 bits are for host addresses.

Efficient Address Allocation: CIDR allows for more efficient allocation of IP addresses, reducing address wastage. Organizations can request and receive IP address blocks with subnet masks tailored to their actual requirements. This results in better utilization of the available IP address space.

Aggregation: CIDR promotes IP address aggregation, where multiple contiguous IP address blocks can be summarized and advertised as a single, larger block. This reduces the size of routing tables in the global internet routing infrastructure, improving routing efficiency and scalability.

Classless Routing: Routers that support CIDR can make routing decisions based on the variable-length subnet masks specified in CIDR notation, making routing more efficient and flexible.

CIDR notation examples:

  • represents a subnet with a 24-bit network prefix.
  • represents a subnet with a 16-bit network prefix.
  • represents a subnet with a 27-bit network prefix.

CIDR has become the standard addressing scheme for IP networks, allowing for more precise and efficient IP address allocation while also reducing the size and complexity of routing tables in the global internet. This flexibility has helped conserve IPv4 address space, which is increasingly scarce, and is also applied in the design and management of IPv6 networks.

4. (a) How is information transmitted in an optical fibre? Give two advantages of optical fibre. (4)                                                                         

Ans: Information is transmitted in optical fibers through the use of light signals. Optical fibers are thin, flexible strands made of high-quality glass or plastic that can carry data in the form of light pulses. The process of information transmission in optical fibers involves the following steps:

Optical fibers offer several advantages for data transmission, including high bandwidth, low signal loss, resistance to electromagnetic interference, and immunity to crosstalk. These properties make optical fiber communication well-suited for a wide range of applications, including long-distance telecommunications, internet connectivity, cable television, and data center networking.

Advantages of Optical Fibre:

Optical fibers offer several advantages over traditional copper or coaxial cables for data transmission and telecommunications. Here are two key advantages of optical fiber:

High Bandwidth: Optical fibers can carry a much larger amount of data compared to traditional copper cables. They have a significantly higher bandwidth, which means they can transmit a greater volume of data at faster speeds. This high bandwidth is particularly important for applications that require the rapid transfer of large files, high-definition video streaming, and data-intensive tasks. Optical fibers support data rates measured in gigabits per second (Gbps) and even terabits per second (Tbps), enabling the delivery of high-speed internet, 4K/8K video, and other bandwidth-intensive services.

Low Signal Loss and Long Distances: Optical fibers experience minimal signal loss over long distances. Unlike electrical signals in copper cables, which can degrade and weaken over extended lengths, light signals in optical fibers can travel for many kilometers without significant loss. This property makes optical fibers ideal for long-distance telecommunications, including transoceanic and intercontinental connections. Fiber-optic networks require fewer signal repeaters or amplifiers, reducing infrastructure costs and maintenance needs.

These advantages, among others, have made optical fiber the preferred choice for high-speed data transmission in modern telecommunications networks, internet backbone infrastructure, and data centers. Additionally, optical fibers are more resistant to electromagnetic interference and are highly secure, as they do not emit electromagnetic radiation that can be intercepted or tapped by external devices.

(b)  Name two data link protocols. Explain any one.                           (5)

Ans: Two common data link layer protocols are Ethernet and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP).


Ethernet is one of the most widely used data link layer protocols in local area networks (LANs) and is part of the IEEE 802.3 standard. It is designed for wired network connections, such as those using twisted-pair copper cables or fiber-optic cables. Ethernet defines how devices on a network share a common communication medium and how data is framed and transmitted over that medium.

Key features and characteristics of Ethernet:

CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection): In traditional Ethernet, devices on the network use CSMA/CD to determine when they can transmit data. Before sending a packet, a device listens to the network to check if it’s idle. If the network is busy, it waits for an opportunity to transmit. If two devices attempt to transmit simultaneously and a collision occurs, they both back off and try again later.

Frame Format: Ethernet frames consist of several components, including source and destination MAC (Media Access Control) addresses, a type/length field to specify the upper-layer protocol or frame length, the data payload, and a checksum for error detection. Ethernet frames can vary in size, with standard Ethernet using frames of up to 1518 bytes.

Variants: Ethernet has evolved over time, with different variants offering various data rates and physical mediums. Common Ethernet variants include:

  • 10BASE-T: 10 Mbps over twisted-pair copper cables.
  • 100BASE-TX: 100 Mbps over twisted-pair cables.
  • 1000BASE-T (Gigabit Ethernet): 1 Gbps over twisted-pair cables.10GBASE-T (10 Gigabit Ethernet): 10 Gbps over twisted-pair cables.
  • 1000BASE-SX, 1000BASE-LX (Gigabit Ethernet over fiber): 1 Gbps over fiber-optic cables.

Switching: Ethernet networks often use switches to segment the network and reduce collisions. Switches are more efficient than traditional hubs because they forward frames only to the appropriate device rather than broadcasting them to the entire network.

Half-Duplex and Full-Duplex: Ethernet can operate in half-duplex (devices can either transmit or receive at a given time) or full-duplex (devices can transmit and receive simultaneously) modes. Full-duplex Ethernet is more efficient and is commonly used in modern networks.

Ethernet is widely used for local area networking and is the foundation of the internet’s physical infrastructure. Its flexibility and adaptability have allowed it to evolve to meet the increasing demands of high-speed data transmission in modern networks. While Ethernet initially relied on CSMA/CD to manage collisions, it is less relevant today with the prevalence of full-duplex and switched Ethernet networks.

(c)  What is routing? Describe any one routing protocol.        (6)

Ans: Routing is a fundamental process in computer networking that involves determining the optimal path or route for data packets to travel from a source to a destination in a network. It ensures that data packets are forwarded efficiently through interconnected networks, such as the internet or a corporate network. Routers, which are network devices responsible for packet forwarding, play a crucial role in the routing process. Routing protocols are sets of rules and algorithms used by routers to make decisions about how to forward packets.

One widely used routing protocol is the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol. OSPF is an interior gateway routing protocol (IGP) designed for use within an autonomous system (AS), which is a collection of networks and routers under the control of a single organization. OSPF is part of the TCP/IP protocol suite and is commonly used in large and complex networks. Here’s an overview of OSPF:

Key features of OSPF:

Link-State Routing: OSPF is based on a link-state routing algorithm. Each router in an OSPF network maintains a database of information about the network’s topology, including details about its neighbors, the cost of links, and the state of those links (up or down). This information is used to build a complete and accurate map of the network.

Hierarchical Structure: OSPF networks are organized into areas to improve scalability and reduce the amount of routing information that routers must process. All routers within an area have the same topological database, and routers in different areas summarize their routing information when advertising it to other areas. This hierarchical structure helps minimize routing table sizes.

Cost-Based Routing: OSPF calculates the cost of each link or route based on an arbitrary metric called the cost or metric value. This metric is typically based on factors like bandwidth, delay, or reliability. OSPF routers use these cost values to determine the best paths to reach destinations, with lower-cost paths being preferred.

Fast Convergence: OSPF is known for its ability to quickly adapt to changes in the network. When a link goes down or a new one is added, routers in the OSPF domain recalculate their routing tables and converge to a new routing state relatively rapidly, making it suitable for dynamic and large-scale networks.

Authentication and Security: OSPF supports authentication mechanisms to ensure the security of routing information exchanged between routers. This helps prevent unauthorized routers from participating in OSPF routing.

Scalability: OSPF is designed to scale effectively in large networks. By dividing networks into areas and using summarization techniques, OSPF can handle networks with thousands of routers and subnets.

Compatibility with IPv6: OSPFv3 is an extension of OSPF that adds support for IPv6, making it suitable for both IPv4 and IPv6 networks.

OSPF is commonly used in enterprise networks, internet service provider (ISP) networks, and large-scale campus networks. Its robust and efficient routing algorithm, combined with features like hierarchical design, fast convergence, and security mechanisms, make it a reliable choice for managing routing within an autonomous system.

5. (a) What is Hamming distance and minimum Hamming distance? Illustrate with examples.  (5)                                                               

Ans: Hamming distance is a concept used in computer science and information theory to measure the difference between two strings of equal length. It quantifies the number of positions at which the corresponding elements of the two strings differ. In networking, Hamming distance can be used to analyze the error-correcting capabilities of codes, such as error-correcting codes used in data transmission and storage.

Minimum Hamming distance, on the other hand, refers to the smallest Hamming distance between any pair of strings in a set of code words. It is an essential concept in coding theory and error correction because it determines the ability of the code to detect and correct errors. A higher minimum Hamming distance indicates a stronger error-correcting capability, it means the code can detect and correct more errors.

In networking and data transmission, codes with larger minimum Hamming distances are preferred because they provide stronger error detection and correction capabilities, ensuring more reliable communication.

Let’s illustrate these concepts with some examples:

Example 1: Hamming Distance

Suppose we have two binary strings:

String A: 101010

String B: 100011

To calculate the Hamming distance between A and B, we compare each corresponding pair of bits and count the positions where they differ:

A: 1 0 1 0 1 0

B: 1 0 0 0 1 1

The Hamming distance is 2 because there are two positions where the bits are different.

Example 2: Minimum Hamming Distance

Suppose we have a binary code consisting of the following codewords:

Codeword 1: 00000

Codeword 2: 11010

Codeword 3: 10101

Codeword 4: 01111

To find the minimum Hamming distance for this set of codewords, we need to calculate the Hamming distance between all possible pairs and find the smallest value.

  • Hamming Distance between Codeword 1 and Codeword 2: 3
  • Hamming Distance between Codeword 1 and Codeword 3: 3
  • Hamming Distance between Codeword 1 and Codeword 4: 4
  • Hamming Distance between Codeword 2 and Codeword 3: 4
  • Hamming Distance between Codeword 2 and Codeword 4: 3
  • Hamming Distance between Codeword 3 and Codeword 4: 3

The minimum Hamming distance in this set of codewords is 3, which is the smallest Hamming distance between any pair of codewords. This means that the code can detect up to two errors and correct one error since 3 is the minimum number of bit flips required to go from one codeword to another.

(b) What is CRC? Explain the concept of CRC encoder and decoder with diagrams.    (5)   

Ans: CRC, which stands for Cyclic Redundancy Check, is an error-detection technique used in computer networks, data storage, and digital communication. It is a method for detecting errors in data transmission by appending a fixed number of check bits (called CRC bits) to the data, creating a codeword. The receiver can then use these CRC bits to check for errors in the received data.

CRC Encoder:

The CRC encoder takes the original data and appends CRC bits to it. The process involves polynomial division. Here’s how it works:

Data Input: You start with your original data, which can be any sequence of bits. Let’s represent it as “101110.”

Polynomial Division: CRC is based on polynomial division. You select a predetermined polynomial, often called the “generator polynomial.” For example, let’s say we’re using the polynomial “1101.”

Appending CRC Bits: To compute the CRC, you append a series of zeros (equal to the degree of the polynomial) to your data. In this case, you append three zeros: “101110000.”

Division: Perform polynomial division (binary division) on this augmented data with the generator polynomial. The remainder of this division is the CRC bits you append to the original data.

Final Codeword: The original data with the computed CRC bits is your final codeword. In this case, it might look like “101110011.”

Here’s a diagram illustrating the CRC encoding process:

Original Data: 101110

Generator Polynomial: 1101

Appended Zeros: 101110000


Division Result: 100 (remainder)


Final Codeword: 101110100 (Original Data + CRC bits)

CRC Decoder:

The CRC decoder receives the codeword (data + CRC bits) and checks for errors by performing the same polynomial division using the same generator polynomial. Here’s how it works:

Received Codeword: We receive a codeword, which includes the data and CRC bits. For example, “101110100.”

Polynomial Division: Perform polynomial division (binary division) on the received codeword with the generator polynomial.

Check for Remainder: If the remainder is all zeros, there are no errors detected. If the remainder is non-zero, errors are present.

Error Detection: If errors are detected (non-zero remainder), the receiver knows that the data has been corrupted during transmission and requests retransmission or takes appropriate action to correct the errors.

Here’s a diagram illustrating the CRC decoding process:

Received Codeword: 101110100

Generator Polynomial: 1101


Division Result: 000 (remainder)


No Errors Detected

In this example, the remainder is all zeros, indicating that no errors are detected, and the received data is likely error-free. If any bit in the received codeword were flipped during transmission, the remainder would not be all zeros, signaling the presence of errors.

(c)  Explain sliding window protocols.                                                   (5)

Ans: Sliding window protocols are a class of network protocols used in computer networking to manage the flow of data between two devices communicating over a network. These protocols are designed to achieve efficient and reliable data transmission, especially in situations where data packets may be lost, delayed, or received out of order. Sliding window protocols are commonly used in both the data link layer (e.g., HDLC, PPP) and transport layer (e.g., TCP) of the OSI model.

The key idea behind sliding window protocols is to allow multiple packets to be in transit simultaneously, enabling high bandwidth utilization and efficient error recovery. The sender maintains a “window” of allowable sequence numbers for packets it can send, and the receiver maintains a corresponding window for the expected sequence numbers of incoming packets.

Here’s how sliding window protocols work:

Sender’s Perspective:

  • Sending Window: The sender maintains a sending window that defines a range of sequence numbers for which it can send data. The size of this window is determined by the maximum number of unacknowledged packets the sender is allowed to have in transit simultaneously. This window slides as acknowledgments are received from the receiver.
  • Packets and Sequence Numbers: The sender assigns a unique sequence number to each packet it sends. These sequence numbers help the receiver identify the order of received packets.
  • Sending Data: The sender can transmit packets within the sending window. Once a packet is sent, it is placed in a buffer until it is acknowledged by the receiver.
  • Acknowledgments: When the sender receives acknowledgments from the receiver for previously sent packets, it slides the sending window forward, allowing it to send new packets.

Receiver’s Perspective:

  • Receiving Window: The receiver maintains a receiving window that defines a range of expected sequence numbers for incoming packets. This window slides as packets are received in the correct order.
  • Buffering and Ordering: The receiver buffers out-of-order packets until all previous packets in the sequence are received. Once a packet is in sequence, it is passed up to the higher layer for processing.
  • Acknowledgments: The receiver sends acknowledgments back to the sender for the successfully received packets. These acknowledgments include the sequence number of the next expected packet.

Sliding window protocols offer several advantages:

  • Efficiency: They allow for concurrent transmission and reception of data, making efficient use of available bandwidth.
  • Reliability: They enable error detection and recovery mechanisms. If a packet is lost or received with errors, the sender can retransmit it.
  • Flow Control: They provide flow control mechanisms to prevent overwhelming the receiver with too much data.
  • Error Detection: They can detect and handle packet loss, duplication, or corruption.
  • Optimized Throughput: By adjusting the window size, sliding window protocols can optimize throughput based on network conditions.

Popular examples of sliding window protocols include the Selective Repeat Protocol and the Go-Back-N Protocol. These variants differ in how they handle retransmission of lost packets and out-of-order packets. The choice of which protocol to use depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the network and application.

6. (a) What is Nyquist rate? If the bandwidth of a signal is 4 kHz what is the highest data rate in absence of noise?  (4)

Ans: The Nyquist rate, also known as the Nyquist frequency or Nyquist limit, is a fundamental concept in signal processing and digital communication. It represents the minimum sampling rate required to accurately represent a continuous analog signal in its digital form. The Nyquist rate is defined as twice the maximum frequency (bandwidth) present in the signal.

Mathematically, the Nyquist rate (R_nyquist) is given by:

R_nyquist = 2 × B


  • R_nyquist is the Nyquist rate.
  • B is the bandwidth of the signal.

Here mentioned that the bandwidth of the signal is 4 kHz. To calculate the highest data rate (maximum achievable data rate) in the absence of noise, we can use the Nyquist rate formula:

R_nyquist = 2 × B

R_nyquist = 2 × 4 kHz

R_nyquist = 8 kbps

So, in the absence of noise, the highest data rate that can be achieved for a signal with a 4 kHz bandwidth is 8 kbps (kilobits per second). This means we can transmit digital data at a rate of up to 8,000 bits per second without loss of information due to the Nyquist theorem.

(b)  What is Shannon’s channel capacity? The bandwidth of a signal is 4kHz and the S/N is 3000. What is the data rate?    (4)

Ans: Shannon’s channel capacity, also known as the Shannon capacity or Shannon’s theorem, is a fundamental concept in information theory developed by Claude Shannon in the late 1940s. It defines the maximum rate at which information can be reliably transmitted over a communication channel, subject to the constraints of noise and interference.

Shannon’s channel capacity is expressed mathematically as:

C = B * log2(1 + S/N)


  • C represents the channel capacity in bits per second (bps).
  • B is the bandwidth of the channel in hertz (Hz), which indicates the range of frequencies the channel can accommodate without distortion.
  • S is the signal power, which is the strength of the desired signal being transmitted.
  • N is the noise power, which represents unwanted interference and background noise present in the channel.

The data rate of a digital signal can be calculated using the Shannon-Hartley theorem, which relates the bandwidth (B) of a signal, the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), and the maximum achievable data rate (R) with a given level of noise. The formula is:

R=B. log2(1+S/N)

Here, the bandwidth (B) is 4 kHz, and the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) is 3000. Putting these values into the formula:


Now, calculate the data rate:



So, the data rate for this signal with a bandwidth of 4 kHz and a signal-to-noise ratio of 3000 is approximately 46,200 bits per second (bps), or about 46.2 kbps.

(c)  Describe the OSI model.                                                                    (4)

Ans: The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model is a conceptual framework used to understand and standardize the functions of a telecommunications or networking system. It was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to provide a structured approach for designing and understanding network protocols and communication systems. The OSI model consists of seven layers, each with its specific functions and responsibilities. These layers are organized in a hierarchical manner, with each layer relying on the services provided by the layer beneath it. Here’s a brief overview of the seven layers of the OSI model from the bottom (Layer 1) to the top (Layer 7):

Physical Layer (Layer 1):

  • Function: This is the lowest layer and deals with the physical transmission of data over the physical medium (e.g., cables, electrical signals, optical signals).
  • Responsibilities: It defines the characteristics of the hardware (e.g., cables, connectors) and the transmission medium (e.g., voltage levels, signal timing).
  • Examples: Ethernet cables, fiber-optic cables, electrical voltage levels.

Data Link Layer (Layer 2):

  • Function: The data link layer is responsible for establishing a direct link between two adjacent nodes on the network.
  • Responsibilities: It handles error detection and correction, as well as the framing of data into frames for reliable transmission.
  • Examples: Ethernet, Wi-Fi, MAC (Media Access Control) addresses.

Network Layer (Layer 3):

  • Function: The network layer is responsible for routing packets of data between different networks or subnets.
  • Responsibilities: It determines the best path for data to travel, based on logical addressing (e.g., IP addresses).
  • Examples: IP (Internet Protocol), routers.

Transport Layer (Layer 4):

  • Function: The transport layer ensures end-to-end communication between devices and provides error detection and correction at this level.
  • Responsibilities: It manages data flow, segmentation, and reassembly, as well as port addressing for processes or services.
  • Examples: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), UDP (User Datagram Protocol).

Session Layer (Layer 5):

  • Function: The session layer establishes, maintains, and terminates communication sessions between applications on different devices.
  • Responsibilities: It manages session synchronization, checkpointing, and recovery in case of failures.
  • Examples: NetBIOS, RPC (Remote Procedure Call).

Presentation Layer (Layer 6):

  • Function: The presentation layer is responsible for translating, encrypting, or compressing data for transmission and ensuring that data is in a format that the application layer can understand.
  • Responsibilities: It handles data encryption, compression, and character encoding.
  • Examples: SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security), ASCII, JPEG.

Application Layer (Layer 7):

  • Function: The application layer is the topmost layer and provides network services directly to end-user applications.
  • Responsibilities: It includes various application protocols that enable tasks such as file transfer, email, web browsing, and remote access.
  • Examples: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, DNS.

The OSI model serves as a reference model to guide the development of network protocols and technologies, helping ensure interoperability between different vendors’ equipment and software. While it’s a valuable conceptual framework, in practice, real-world networking protocols often don’t neatly align with the OSI model’s seven layers, but it remains a valuable tool for understanding network communication concepts.

(d)  Why is flow control required?                                                           (3)

Ans: Flow control is required in computer networks and data communication systems to ensure the efficient and reliable transmission of data between sender and receiver. It plays a crucial role in managing the flow of data to prevent congestion, buffer overflows, and data loss.

Flow control is essential for maintaining the integrity, reliability, and efficiency of data communication in networks and systems with varying speeds, limited resources, and potential for congestion. It helps ensure that data is transmitted at a rate that both sender and receiver can handle while preventing data loss or system instability.

Here are several reasons why flow control is necessary:

Sender-Receiver Speed Mismatch: In many communication scenarios, the sender and receiver may operate at different speeds or processing rates. For example, a fast computer may send data to a slower printer. Without flow control, the sender could overwhelm the receiver with data faster than it can handle, leading to data loss or buffer overflow.

Limited Buffer Space: Both sender and receiver devices typically have limited buffer or memory space to temporarily store data during transmission. Flow control helps manage the amount of data in these buffers to prevent overflow, which can result in data loss or system instability.

Network Congestion: In networks with multiple devices sharing a common communication medium or network segment, congestion can occur when too much data is sent simultaneously. Flow control mechanisms help regulate the rate at which devices send data, reducing the likelihood of congestion and network performance degradation.

Error Recovery: Flow control can be used in conjunction with error detection and correction mechanisms to ensure reliable data transmission. If errors are detected, the receiver can use flow control to request retransmission of specific data segments.

Efficient Resource Utilization: Flow control helps optimize the use of network resources, such as bandwidth and memory. By preventing data overflow and congestion, it ensures that resources are used effectively and efficiently.

7. Write short notes on (any three): (3×5=15)

(a) Switching

(b) Hub, switch, router, gateways

(c) HTTP


(e) Multiplexing

(a) Switching:

Switching in the context of networking refers to the process of forwarding data frames from one network device to another within a local area network (LAN) or between different LANs. Network switches are devices that perform this function, and they operate at the data link layer (Layer 2) and sometimes at higher layers of the OSI model.

Here are the key aspects of switching in networking:

Packet Forwarding: A network switch makes forwarding decisions based on the MAC (Media Access Control) addresses of devices connected to it. When a data frame arrives at a switch, the switch examines the destination MAC address in the frame’s header and determines which port to forward the frame to. This process is known as MAC address learning and allows the switch to build a MAC address table, associating MAC addresses with specific switch ports.

Unicast, Broadcast, and Multicast: Switches forward Ethernet frames using different methods:

  • Unicast: Frames destined for a specific device are forwarded only to the port where that device is connected.
  • Broadcast: Broadcast frames are sent to all ports of the switch, allowing them to reach all devices on the same network segment.
  • Multicast: Frames sent to a specific multicast group are forwarded to only those ports where devices have expressed interest in that group.

Efficiency: Switching is more efficient than older network technologies like Ethernet hubs because it reduces network congestion. Frames are only forwarded to the specific port where the destination device is located, rather than being broadcast to all devices on the network.

VLANs (Virtual LANs): Network switches can be used to create virtual LANs, which logically segment a physical network into multiple isolated networks. Devices in one VLAN cannot communicate directly with devices in another VLAN unless a router or Layer 3 switch is used to interconnect them.

Managed vs Unmanaged Switches: Managed switches offer more advanced features, including VLAN support, quality of service (QoS) settings, and the ability to configure and monitor the switch remotely. Unmanaged switches, on the other hand, are simpler and do not offer these advanced capabilities.

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP): In larger networks with multiple interconnected switches, STP is used to prevent loops and ensure a loop-free topology. STP elects a root bridge and disables certain redundant paths to avoid broadcast storms and network instability.

Layer 3 Switching: Some switches, known as Layer 3 switches or routing switches, can perform routing functions in addition to switching. They can make routing decisions based on IP addresses and thus connect multiple subnets within the same device.

Quality of Service (QoS): Some advanced switches support QoS settings, allowing network administrators to prioritize certain types of traffic to ensure that critical applications get the necessary bandwidth and low latency.

Network switches are a fundamental component of modern Ethernet-based LANs, and they play a crucial role in ensuring efficient and reliable data communication within and between network segments. They are commonly used in homes, businesses, data centers, and various network infrastructures.

(b) Hub,switch, router, gateways:

Hubs, switches, routers, and gateways are all devices used in computer networking, but they serve different purposes and operate at different layers of the OSI model.

Hubs and switches primarily deal with local network connectivity and operate at lower layers of the OSI model. Routers and gateways handle more complex tasks involving network interconnection, routing, and protocol translation and operate at higher layers of the OSI model.

The choice of which device to use depends on the specific networking requirements and the scope of the network. In modern networks, switches and routers are the most common devices, while hubs are mostly obsolete, and gateways are used for specific translation and protocol conversion needs.

Here’s a brief overview of each:


  • Layer: Physical Layer (Layer 1)
  • Function: Hubs are the simplest networking devices. They work at the physical layer and serve as basic network connectivity devices. When a hub receives data on one port, it broadcasts that data to all other ports, regardless of the destination.
  • Operation: Hubs lack intelligence and do not make any decisions about where to forward data. They are essentially signal repeaters. They can cause network congestion and are rarely used in modern networks, having been largely replaced by switches.


  • Layer: Data Link Layer (Layer 2) and sometimes Network Layer (Layer 3)
  • Function: Switches are more advanced than hubs and operate at both the data link and network layers. They make forwarding decisions based on MAC addresses and maintain MAC address tables to improve network efficiency. Data is forwarded only to the specific port where the destination device is located, reducing network traffic and collisions.
  • Operation: Switches are highly efficient and are the standard device used to connect devices within a local area network (LAN).


  • Layer: Network Layer (Layer 3)
  • Function: Routers are used to connect different networks together and make routing decisions based on IP addresses. They determine the best path for data to travel between networks and can enforce security rules by filtering traffic.
  • Operation: Routers are essential for connecting a local network to the internet or for linking multiple LANs together. They provide network address translation (NAT) to allow multiple devices on a LAN to share a single public IP address.


  • Layer: Generally Network Layer (Layer 3) or higher
  • Function: Gateways are devices or software programs that translate data between different network protocols or data formats. They bridge communication between networks with different architectures.
  • Operation: Gateways are often used to connect a local network to external networks that use different technologies or protocols. For example, a network gateway can connect a LAN to the internet, translating between the LAN’s IP addresses and the internet’s protocols.

(c) HTTP:

HTTP, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is the foundation of data communication on the World Wide Web. It is an application layer protocol used for transmitting hypermedia documents, such as HTML web pages, over the internet. HTTP is part of the larger set of protocols known as the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP).

Here are some key aspects of HTTP:

Request-Response Model: HTTP operates on a client-server model. A client (typically a web browser) sends an HTTP request to a server, requesting a specific resource, such as a web page or a file. The server processes the request and sends back an HTTP response, which includes the requested resource (if available) along with status information.

Stateless Protocol: HTTP is a stateless protocol, meaning that each request from a client to a server is treated independently, without any knowledge of previous requests. This statelessness simplifies server design and scalability but can be problematic for certain types of web applications that require session management. To address this, cookies and session management mechanisms are often used to maintain state information between requests.

HTTP Methods: HTTP defines several methods (also known as verbs) that specify the action to be performed on the identified resource. The most common HTTP methods are:

  • GET: Retrieve data from the server.
  • POST: Submit data to be processed by the server (often used for form submissions).
  • PUT: Update a resource on the server or create a new resource if it doesn’t exist.
  • DELETE: Remove a resource from the server.
  • HEAD: Retrieve only the headers of a response, without the actual content.
  • OPTIONS: Retrieve information about the communication options for the target resource.
  • PATCH: Apply partial modifications to a resource.

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators): Resources in HTTP are identified using URLs. A URL consists of several components, including the protocol (e.g., “http” or “https”), domain name or IP address, port number, and the path to the resource on the server.

Status Codes: HTTP responses include status codes that indicate the outcome of the request. For example, a status code of 200 indicates a successful request, while 404 means the requested resource was not found.

Security: HTTP can be secured using HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). HTTPS uses encryption (typically SSL/TLS) to secure the communication between the client and server, protecting the data from eavesdropping and tampering.

Versioning: HTTP has evolved through various versions. HTTP/1.1 is one of the most widely used versions, but HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 have been introduced to improve performance and address various limitations of earlier versions.

HTTP plays a fundamental role in how we access and interact with information on the internet. It forms the basis for web browsing, content retrieval, and interaction with web services and APIs, making it a crucial protocol for the modern digital world.

(d) CSMA/CD:

CSMA/CD, which stands for Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection, is a network protocol used in Ethernet networks to manage access to a shared communication medium, such as a coaxial cable. It was historically used in Ethernet networks, particularly in older versions of Ethernet like 10BASE5 and 10BASE2, but it has largely been replaced by full-duplex Ethernet with switches in modern networks.

Here’s how CSMA/CD works:

Carrier Sense (CS): Before transmitting data on the network, a device using CSMA/CD listens to the communication medium (the cable) to check if it is idle or in use by another device. If the medium is busy, the device waits for a random period and then rechecks it.

Multiple Access (MA): If the medium is idle, the device begins transmitting its data. Multiple devices on the network can follow the same procedure, trying to access the medium.

Collision Detection (CD): While a device is transmitting, it continues to listen to the medium. If it detects that another device is simultaneously transmitting data, indicating a collision, both devices stop transmitting immediately.

Backoff and Retry: After a collision is detected, the colliding devices enter a backoff period during which they wait for a random amount of time before attempting to transmit again. This randomization helps prevent repeated collisions.

Repeat Until Successful: The devices continue to attempt transmission using CSMA/CD until they can successfully transmit their data without experiencing a collision.

CSMA/CD was designed for half-duplex Ethernet networks, where devices could either transmit or receive at any given moment but not both simultaneously. However, as Ethernet technology evolved and full-duplex communication became more prevalent, CSMA/CD became unnecessary. Full-duplex Ethernet allows devices to transmit and receive simultaneously, eliminating the possibility of collisions.

Modern Ethernet networks, such as those using Ethernet switches, operate in full-duplex mode, and CSMA/CD is no longer used or required in these networks. Instead, switches provide dedicated communication paths between devices, allowing for simultaneous, collision-free communication.

In summary, CSMA/CD was a critical protocol in the early days of Ethernet when shared communication media were common. However, with the advent of full-duplex Ethernet and the use of switches, CSMA/CD has become obsolete in modern network environments.

(e) Multiplexing:

Multiplexing refers to the technique of combining multiple data streams or signals into a single channel for transmission over a shared medium, such as a cable or wireless link. This process allows multiple devices or data sources to share a common communication path efficiently, maximizing the utilization of the available bandwidth.

The primary purpose of multiplexing is to make efficient use of available resources and bandwidth while allowing multiple devices or data sources to share the same transmission medium.

Multiplexing is essential in networking to efficiently use network resources, reduce costs, and support multiple communication streams simultaneously. It plays a crucial role in various networking technologies, from traditional telecommunication networks to modern data networks and wireless systems.

There are several types of multiplexing used in networking. Different multiplexing techniques are chosen based on the specific requirements and characteristics of the communication system or network.

Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM): In TDM, multiple signals or data streams take turns using the transmission medium in predefined time slots. Each device or source is allocated a specific time slot, and they transmit their data during that time. This technique is commonly used in technologies like T1 and E1 lines for voice and data transmission.

Frequency-Division Multiplexing (FDM): FDM involves dividing the available bandwidth into multiple non-overlapping frequency bands or channels. Each data source is assigned a specific frequency band for transmission. This method is frequently used in cable television (CATV) and radio broadcasting.

Code-Division Multiplexing (CDM): CDM involves encoding data from multiple sources using unique codes that allow them to coexist on the same channel without interfering with each other. This technique is commonly used in CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) cellular networks.

Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM): WDM is primarily used in optical fiber communication. It involves using multiple wavelengths (colors) of light to transmit data simultaneously over a single optical fiber. This greatly increases the bandwidth and capacity of the fiber optic link.

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