1. HTML files are saved by default with the extension_________.
Ans: .html or .htm
2. We enclose HTML tags within ____________
Ans: < >
3. The overall HTML document is written within the ______tags.
Ans: <html>
4. In HTML, the _________ tag contains the information about the current document , such as title, etc.
Ans: <head>
5. The tag that requires an opening as well as closing tag is called _______.
Ans: Container tag
6. __________ tags have a beginning tag and an end tag.
Ans: Container
7. Paired tag is also known as ______ tag.
Ans: Container.
8. ___________ tags are also called paired tags.
Ans: Container
9. The ______ attribute of the body tag is used to set the background colour of a web page
Ans: bgcolor
10. _________ attribute is used to give color to the whole web page.
Ans: bgcolor
11. <BR> tag is an ___________ element tag.
Ans. empty
12. An element that only has a starting tag and no ending tag is __________ element.
Ans. empty tag
13. The <B> tag is used to make text ____________
Ans: Bold
14. HTML provides ______levels of headings
Ans: 6
15. _______ is largest level of heading.
Ans: h1
16. ________ tag is smallest heading tag.
Ans: h6
17. HTML has ___________ levels of heading starting from _________ to ___________.
Ans: Six H1 H6
18. __________ tag is used before beginning of the paragraph.
Ans: <p>
19. ____________ attribute of tag changes the Size of the Text.
Ans: size
20. The greatest value that can be assigned to the size attribute of the <font> tag is ______
Ans: 7
21. The smallest value that can be assigned to the size attribute of the <font> tag is ______ .
Ans: 1
22. ___________ tag is used to display Preformatted block of text.
Ans: <pre>
23. Text is displayed “as it is” in a browser by using ______tag.
Ans: <pre>
24. _________ tag is used to create bulleted list.
Ans. <ul>
25. The unordered list starts with __________ tag.
Ans. <ul>
26. Unordered list starts with _____ and ends with _______.
Ans: <ul> </ul>
27. _________value of type attribute displays a hollow circle for an unordered list.
Ans. Circle
28. ______ tag specifies that information appears as Definition list.
Ans: <dl>
29. ______ tag is used to create subscripts on a Web page.
Ans. <sub>
30. The ______tag is used to display enclosed text as superscript.
Ans: <sup>
31. The ______ tag is used to subscript the text.
Ans: <sub>
32. ______ tag is used for superscript text.
Ans: <sup>
33. _________ tag is used to bring the text to new line.
Ans. <br>
34. HR tag is used for _________
Ans. horizontal line
35. The _____ tag is used to insert a horizontal rule
Ans: <hr>
36. The effect of the <strong> tag is _____________
Ans: Bold
37. _________ attribute of <HR> tag specifies the width of a horizontal line.
Ans. width
38. noshade is an attribute of _________ tag.
Ans. <hr>
39. ___________ tag is used to insert an image in web page.
Ans: <img>
40. Comments are enclosed in __________ and _________ tags
Ans. <! – –>
41. ___________ tag is used to scroll the text on the web page.
Ans: <marquee>
42. The default value of behavior attribute of <MARQUEE> tag in HTML is ______.
Ans: scroll
43. Default direction of marquee is ______
Ans: left
44. _________ is a word or image that when clicked take us to another Web page.
Ans. Hyperlink
45. __________ tag is used to create hyperlinks.
Ans: <a>
46. __________ tag is used to connect Web pages.
Ans. <a>
47. __________ are used to connect Web pages. They are created with <a> tag.
Ans. Hyperlinks
48. The _________attribute is used for specifying the URL of the anchor tag.
Ans. href
49. The attribute ___________ is used for specifying the URL of the anchor tag.
Ans. href
50. _______ tag is used to display table heading.
51. ____________ attributes of <TABLE> creates space between the cells.
Ans: cellspacing
52. To add border size ___________ attribute is used in <Table>
Ans: border
53. In table, rows is created by __________ tag.
Ans: <tr>
54. _____ attribute given color to the border of table.
Ans: bordercolor
55. To create online form, use tag ___________
Ans: <form>