Fill up the blank in C++| C++ Fill in the blank Question with Answer

1. C++ is an _______________ language.

Answer: object-oriented programming

2. C++ language is case _______________

Answer: sensitive

3. _________________ header file contains necessary declarations for input/ output in C++.

    Answer: <iostream.h>

    4. The header file …………………….. provides manipulators to set output formats.

    Answer: <iomanip.h>

    5. ___________ is used for input in C++.

    Answer: cin

    6. ______ is a predefined object that represents the standard output stream in C++.

    Answer: cout

    7. The operator _______________________ is called the insertion or put-to operator.

    Answer: << (insertion operator)

    8. The << is _____________ operator.

    Answer: insertion

    9. _______ is the stream insertion operator.

      Ans: <<

      10.  ________ is the stream extraction operator.

      Ans: >>

      11. A _________ is a sequence of characters surrounded by double quotes.

      Answer: string

      12. A variable must be declared before its _________________

      Answer: initialization

      13. The smallest individual unit in a program is known as a ____________.

      Ans: Token

      14. The ________________ is an assignment operator.

      Answer:   =

      15. The % is called ____________ .

      Answer: Modulus Operator

      16. ______________ keyword is used to declare a variable that may contain only positive values.

        Ans: unsigned

        17. Every C++ program begins execution at the function ____________

          Answer: main ()

          18. main() is an ……………………component of every C++ program.

          Answer: essential

          19.  Every C++ statement ends with an _______________

          Answer:  semicolon (;)

          20. The _____________ statement is used to make decisions.

          Answer: conditional

          21. switch() is an example of _______________ construct.

          Answer: conditional

          22. ……………………… loop is a bottom tested loop.

          Answer: do-while

          23. _______________ statement repeats the loop by skipping the remaining portion.

            Answer: continue

            24. The array elements must be of the _________ data type.

            Answer: same

            25. If the maximum subscript value of an array is 9, then the size of the array is _______________

            Answer: 10

            26. A ___________ is a data type to define heterogeneous set of data types.

            Answer: structure

            27. The arguments used in function definition are ______________ arguments.

              Answer: formal

              28. The arguments used in function call statement are _______________ arguments.

              Answer: actual

              29.  ___________ statement is used to transfer a value from the invoked function to the invoking function.

              Answer: return

              30.  A function body is delimited by ____________________.

              Answer: curly brackets { }

              31.  A ……………………. variable is a variable that contains the address of some other variable.

              Answer: pointer

              32.  A class declaration ends with a ________________.

              Answer: semicolon (;)

              33. An object is an _______________ of class.

              Answer: instance

              34. ___________ contains data members and methods to operate on these members.

                Answer: class

                35. A class contains __________________ and methods that operate on these.

                Answer: data member

                36. The class members by default are _____________.

                Answer: private

                37. The member functions, if defined outside the class must use ___________________.

                Answer: scope resolution operator (::)

                38. ____________________ refers to hiding physical details and displaying only the desired information.

                Answer: data abstraction

                39. _____________________ provides data security by hiding it from the external world.

                Answer: data encaptulation

                40.  The __________ operator is used to access the members of a class.

                Answer: dot(.)

                41. Constructors are used to ________________ the data members automatically, whenever an object of a class is instantiated.

                Answer: initialize

                42. Constructors do not have any return type not even ___________.

                  Answer: void

                  43.  A base class is inherited by ________________

                  Answer: derived class

                  44.  The class from which other class inherits is a ___________________

                  Answer: base class or super class

                  45.  The inheritance type where a derived class inherits from many base class is _______________ inheritance.

                  Answer: multiple

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