JavaScript – Exercises, Practice, Solution | JavaScript programming Examples

1. Program to print Hello World
<script language=”JavaScript”>
document.write(“<font color=’red’ size=’4′>Hello world</font>”)


2. Addition of two numbers



<title>Adding two numbers </title>


         var num1 = 10;

         var num2 = 40;

         var sum = num1+num2;

document.write(“Sum: ” + sum);





Sum: 50

3. Program to Add, subtract, multiply, and divide




var num1=100,num2=10,result;


document.write(“Add = ” + result + “<br>”);


document.write(“Subtract = ” + result + “<br>”);


document.write(“Multiply = ” + result + “<br>”);

result= num1/num2;

document.write(“Divide = ” + result + “<br>”);





Add = 110
Subtract = 90
Multiply = 1000
Divide = 10

4.  Program to input value from the user using prompt




var name=prompt(“Enter your name: “);

document.write(“Welcome “+ name);



body {

        color: #FFFF00;

        background: #EE82EE;

        font-size: 30px;








5. Input an integer value and print it




var num = prompt(“Enter an integer value:”);

document.write(“Entered Number is “, num);





6. Add two numbers taking input from user



<title>Add two numbers</title>

<script language=”JavaScript”>

var num1=parseInt(prompt(“Enter first number”));

var num2=parseInt(prompt(“Enter second number”));

var sum=num1+num2

alert(“Sum of two numbers : ” + sum)





7. Program to add two float values 




var num1 = 4.12;

var num2 = 9.87;

var result = 0;

// Adding float values

result =num1+ num2;

// Without rounding the result

document.write(“Without rounding: ” + result)

// Rounding the result to 2 digits after decimal

result = result.toFixed(2);

document.write(“<br>With rounding: ” + result)





Without rounding: 13.989999999999998

With rounding: 13.99

8. Program to swap values of two variables



<title>Swapping values of two variables</title>


//take input from the users

let a = prompt(‘Enter the value of a: ‘);

let b = prompt(‘Enter the value of b: ‘);

document.write(“The value of a and b before swapping: ” + a + ” ” + b)

//create a temporary variable

let temp;

//swap variables

temp = a;

a = b;

b = temp;

document.write(“<br>The value of a and b after swapping: ” + a + ” ” + b)





The value of a and b before swapping: 10 20
The value of a and b after swapping: 20 10

9. Program to check if the number is even or odd




// take input from the user

var num= prompt(“Enter a number: “);

//check if the number is even


document.write(num + ” is an Even Number”);


document.write(num + ” is an Odd Number”);





12 is an Even Number

10. Program to check leap year




// program to check leap year

function checkLeapYear(year) {

if(year%4==0) {

document.write(year + ‘ is a leap year’);


else {

document.write(year + ‘ is not a leap year’);



// take input

const year=prompt(‘Enter a year:’);






2020 is a leap year

11. Program to find the largest among three numbers




// take input from the user

const num1 = prompt(“Enter first number: “);

const num2 = prompt(“Enter second number: “);

const num3 = prompt(“Enter third number: “);

let largest;

// check the condition

if(num1>num2&& num1>num3) {

    largest= num1;


else if (num2>num1&&num2>num3) {

    largest = num2;


else {

    largest = num3;


// display the result

document.write(“The largest number is: ” + largest);





The largest number is: 23

12. Program that checks if the number is positive, negative or zero




// input from the user

const number = prompt(“Enter a number: “);

// check if number is greater than 0

if (number > 0) {

document.write(“The number is positive”);


// check if number is 0

else if (number == 0) {

document.write(“The number is zero”);


// if number is less than 0

else {

document.write(“The number is negative”);






The number is positive

The number is zero

The number is negative

13. Program to input age and check person is eligible for voting or not



 function validate(age) {
      if(age>=18) {
      else {
             ans=”not eigible”;
document.write(“You are <b>”+ ans +”</b> for Vote”);
var age=prompt(“Enter age”);
14. Program to Add n numbers 




  var i, n=5, sum=0;

  arr = new Array(20, 22, 13, 15, 19);

  for(i=0; i<n; i++)

sum = sum + arr[i];

document.write(“Sum of 5 numbers: ” + sum);





Sum of 5 numbers: 89

16. Program to Demonstrate Popup Boxes in JavaScript



<title>Popup Boxes in JavaScript</title>


alert(“Welcome to Our website!”);

confirm(“It is a Confirm popup box!”);

var name=prompt(“This is a prompt box!”, “Enter your name: “);

alert(“Welcome “+ name);



<body bgcolor=”seagreen”>

<div style=”text-align:center; color: #FFFF00; background: #EE82EE; font-size: 30px;”>

<h1>JavaScript Example to Demonstrate Popup Boxes!</h1>





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